New Breakthrough T1D TypeOneNation Summit Keynote: Miss Idaho Sierra Sandison

We are excited to announce our celebrity speaker for the 9th Annual TypeOneNation Summit on Saturday, May 14: Miss Idaho Sierra Sandison!
Sierra has become a role model ever since she openly and proudly wore her insulin pump on the national Miss America stage during the swimsuit competition in 2014. This moment launched the viral #showmeyourpump social media trend as other T1Ds also proudly displayed their pumps. Sierra’s attendance is sponsored by Tandem Diabetes Care.
Sierra will be one of the day’s keynote speakers and will speak to the participants of Teen Central, the cool “hang out” for youth with T1D ages 13-19 during the TypeOneNation Summit. Teen Central offers opportunities to learn the latest in diabetes-related technology, share stories and experiences with peers, ask questions and trade tips on managing T1D through the teenage years.
You won’t find a more complete, comprehensive diabetes education program in the country than the Breakthrough T1D TypeOneNation Summit. During the TypeOneNation Summit, participate with us online via Twitter, using #TypeOneNation, as we live tweet the keynote speeches and share photos of the day or follow along with us at
Join us on Saturday, May 14, for a day of Inspiration, Hope and Education. It takes a community to turn Type One into Type None!
Admission is FREE. A continental breakfast and boxed lunch is provided. Registration is REQUIRED and opens on March 14, 2016! For more information, visit our Event Page.