Balancing Act – Lance Caswell

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My name is Lance. I’m a sophomore at Skyline High School and diabetes has been a factor in my everyday life since I was three. Life with diabetes is difficult to balance, which requires immense support from my family. Since my diagnosis, my mom has worked daily to help me manage my blood sugar and to become better educated about type 1. She has sacrificed sleep and her favorite activities to make sure I could do mine. She made it look so easy, and I grew up thinking it was easy. As I became a teenager my responsibilities grew. I quickly came to realize how difficult it was to manage such a complicated ailment, and that my mom truly is special. I was completely lost without her, but I had to learn to take care of myself. When I first took responsibility for my care it didn’t go well; my A1C was through the roof, I often forgot boluses and frankly, I didn’t feel good. Then I went to a University of Michigan class on diabetes management. The class served as both catalyst and wake up call, it completely changed my views on how to manage my type 1. After the class, my time in range increased and my A1C went down. I finally realized how important diabetes management is. Without the diabetes and technology that Breakthrough T1D funds, people like me struggle to manage type 1. However, Breakthrough T1D doesn’t just provide technology, it provides classes just like the one I went to that can completely change the way a person approaches their diabetes care. That is why supporting organizations like Breakthrough T1D are so critical to helping people that need them most.

Thank you,

Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction

You can help further the Breakthrough T1D mission by participating in the Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction. Full of items perfect for entertaining, gift-giving, and spreading holiday cheer the Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction will offer creative and unique holiday giving auction packages. You will also be able to donate directly to research through Fund A Cure. Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction will take place November 9-13. Click the link here and register today!

Journey for T1D – Auction Catalog 

Take a peek through the Holiday Auction Catalog to preview some of the incredible items featured during the Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction. More items will be available for bidding during the Holiday Auction running November 9-13 so be sure to register today! Click the image below to flip through the Holiday Auction Catalog.