The Power of a Positive Attitude – Jolie Farah

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Hello, my name is Jolie Farah. Hard to believe but I was diagnosed with type one diabetes almost a year ago on September 29, 2019, when I was only eight years old. T1D has impacted my life in so many ways, it’s hard to describe, as it’s a continuous micromanaging process to keep my blood sugar stable. I have a very supportive family, but I am very independent, and I do most of the managing myself while consulting my doctor and my parents.

Ever since the doctor walked into my room and talked to me about my T1D for the first time, I have kept a positive attitude, learned how to monitor my glucose levels, take my injections, and have continued my life and all its activities as it was before T1D.   I literally went to my dance class right after I was discharged from the hospital because I was determined not to let T1D affect my life negatively.

A significant way that T1D has impacted my life is that I have always wanted to be a doctor when I grow up, but I never knew what kind. Now I have decided to be a Pediatric Endocrinologist and to work on a cure for T1D if it does not already exist by the time I graduate from medical school.

Another way that it has recently impacted my life is that there is a new student at my school in kindergarten named Kennedy and she also has T1D. I feel that Kennedy is a “mini-me” and quickly I have become her T1D mentor and she feels very comfortable with me. My parents say that she looks up to me, and I do my best to support and help her with her injections, highs, and lows daily at school.

Thank you, Breakthrough T1D for “Improving lives and curing type one diabetes.”

Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction

You can help further the Breakthrough T1D mission by participating in the Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction. Full of items perfect for entertaining, gift-giving, and spreading holiday cheer the Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction will offer creative and unique holiday giving auction packages. You will also be able to donate directly to research through Fund A Cure. Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction will take place November 9-13. Click the link here and register today!

Journey for T1D – Auction Catalog 

Take a peek through the Holiday Auction Catalog to preview some of the incredible items featured during the Journey for T1D – Holiday Auction. More items will be available for bidding during the Holiday Auction running November 9-13 so be sure to register today! Click the image below to flip through the Holiday Auction Catalog.