Advocacy Update – Promise Meetings
in Advocacy
The Advocacy Committee, along with advocates around the state have been conducting Promise meetings with Representatives and Senators and their constituents to discuss Breakthrough T1D priorities. So far, we have met with Senators Smith and Klobuchar, and Representatives Finstad, Phillips and Emmer. We have meetings scheduled for Representatives Craig, McCollum and Omar.
Following are three priorities we’ve been highlighting.
– Renewal of the Special Diabetes Program for $170 million dollars for each of the next two years. This critical program funds research to cure, treat and prevent T1D.
– Support for the INSULIN Act. This would establish a commercial insurance co-pay cap and take additional steps to ensure that insulin is more affordable for people whether or not they have insurance.
– We’re asking Congresspeople to join the Diabetes Caucus, which is one of the largest caucuses on Capitol Hill, and provides information to support legislative activities that would improve diabetes research, education and treatment.
Please sign up to be an advocate! Attending these meetings is one way you can tell your story about living with Type 1 Diabetes! To become an advocate is simple: go to This is one small way you can make a huge impact.
Many thanks to the constituents who have taken the time to participate in these meetings.