Raise Awareness at Work with the Sneak Attack

The Breakthrough T1D Sneak Attack is an easy and prominent way to raise type 1 diabetes (T1D) awareness throughout November. Companies will use the iconic Breakthrough T1D paper sneaker to “sneak attack” a colleague’s workspace, covering their cubicle with sneakers.

How can your company participate?

Visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SneakAttack to sign your company up. Breakthrough T1D will provide all the materials—including the paper sneakers—for you to get started.

How does the Sneak Attack work?

You have two options:

  1. Colleagues make a donation to Breakthrough T1D to nominate someone for a Sneak Attack


  1. The recipient of the Sneak Attack makes a donation to Breakthrough T1D to pay it forward, and the Sneak Attack continues to their person on your list.

The Breakthrough T1D Sneak Attack provides you with a visible way to raise awareness for T1D, a disease that affects more than 1.25 million Americans. It’s an easy way to raise funds for Breakthrough T1D, the only organization with a plan to cure, treat and prevent T1D.

Not to mention, the Sneak Attack is a great way to boost internal morale and excitement while showing your support for those living with, and affected by, T1D!

Click here for a copy of our Sneak Attack flyer to bring the Sneak Attack to your workplace today!