2020 TypeOneNation Summit Recap!

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Volunteers at TypeOneNation Summit

This year’s TypeOneNation Summit was incredible and we are grateful for the attendees, volunteers, speakers and vendors who made the day a success. Over 500 people came together on Saturday, March 7, 2020 for an opportunity to learn and connect with others from our local T1D community.

In case you weren’t able to join us, we wanted to share highlights from the day, as well as links to some of the presentations that were shared.

For Caregivers of Children Living with T1D:

For Adults Living with T1D:

Dr. Aaron Kowalski was also on hand to share a Mission Update. We recognize the quality of the video isn’t ideal, but we encourage you to listen to what he shared here:



We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event and encourage you to reach out to our Outreach Manager Shannon Dutton or Outreach Coordinator Gretchen Van Mater if there is anything you need. We are here to help at any age or stage of living with type 1 diabetes!