Medtronic 780G Artificial Pancreas System

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the Medtronic MiniMed™ 780G artificial pancreas system for use in individuals 7 years and over. It provides automatic adjustments and corrections to blood-sugar levels every 5-minutes, and also correction doses, as part of its meal detection technology.

This is an evolution of the 670G, the world’s first artificial pancreas system, which was approved in 2016, and an updated version, 770G, which was authorized in the United States in 2020. (The 780G was approved in Europe in 2020.)

In the pivotal clinical trial:

  • Time-in-range (blood sugar between 70-180 mg/dL) was 75 percent, helping those with T1D maintain more consistent and healthier glucose levels
  • The overall time-below-range was 1.8 percent, and overnight it was 1.5 percent
  • Overnight time-in-range was 82 percent

The 780G is approved for use with the Medtronic Guardian 4 continuous glucose monitor (CGM). Unlike its predecessor, the Guardian 3, the Guardian 4 does not require fingerstick calibrations.

The 780G is also approved for use with the Medtronic Extended Infusion Set (EIS), which can be used for seven consecutive days (most infusion sets can be used for 3 days).

Per Medtronic, individuals will be able to pre-order the device on May 15 with an expected delivery in June.

Breakthrough T1D Impact

JDRF’s strategy focuses on improving lives and cures through research and advocacy to accelerate therapies through the pipeline. Through these efforts, Breakthrough T1D developed a roadmap for artificial pancreas development with projections for next generation versions of the artificial pancreas. Manufacturers embraced the roadmap to guide their own research and development programs.

  • Breakthrough T1D started the Artificial Pancreas Project almost 20 years ago to ensure that people with T1D would have better, more innovative ways to manage their T1D until there are cures. Our goal was to ensure life-changing options for people with T1D and a competitive ecosystem that drove continuous innovation.
  • The Breakthrough T1D Artificial Pancreas Project and the Breakthrough T1D Artificial Pancreas Consortium have dramatically accelerated progress by bringing together academic researchers, government agencies, industry partners, and the Helmsley Charitable Trust to pursue artificial pancreas technology.

Breakthrough T1D has funded over $140 million to date in artificial pancreas research.

This is a win for the T1D community and provides people with T1D another option to improve daily blood-sugar management until cures are found.