Breakthrough T1D Game2Give



Breakthrough T1D is teaming up with video game players and developers to raise money to fight type 1 diabetes (T1D). With Breakthrough T1D Game2Give, we aim to bring together all types of people with T1D who like video games, and to mobilize this community to fundraise for diabetes research.

This FAQ is out of date! Please visit the Breakthrough T1D Game2Give page to see our latest news.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Breakthrough T1D getting involved with video games?
How did Breakthrough T1D Game2Give get started?
Who from the game industry is involved with Breakthrough T1D Game2Give?
What is Humble Bundle?
What is Twitch?
What is Breakthrough T1D One World in Roblox?
I’m a streamer. How can I get involved with Breakthrough T1D Game2Give?
Do I need to stream on Twitch, or can I stream on YouTube or Facebook instead?
I’m a game developer. How can I get involved with Game2Give?
I’m a parent. How can I make sure livestreamed content will be safe for my kids to watch?
What is Breakthrough T1D’s mission?
How will the money raised by Breakthrough T1D Game2Give be used?
Can you give me a heads-up about future Breakthrough T1D Game2Give fundraisers?
Is Breakthrough T1D Game2Give related to Bungie’s Extra Life charity event?

Why is Breakthrough T1D getting involved with video games?

First, because there’s a lot of overlap between the gaming community and T1D. Playing together and bonding over video games is a natural way for people who have connections to T1D to meet and support each other. And second, because video game–related charities have taken off in a big way. Charities like Child’s Play and Extra Life have already raised millions of dollars for their respective causes. We believe video game fundraising has huge potential that will significantly benefit our mission to find a cure for T1D.

How did Breakthrough T1D Game2Give get started?

In 2016, our Bay Area chapter got a call from Dan Connors, co-founder of Telltale Games. Dan’s son has T1D, and Telltale had selected Breakthrough T1D to be the beneficiary of a two-week Humble Bundle campaign. This was the first we’d heard about video game fundraising, and we were amazed when we got a check for over $100K soon after! We kept talking to Dan, and in early 2019 he signed on to be our Video Game Liaison and help Breakthrough T1D explore new opportunities in the video game space.

Who from the game industry is involved with Breakthrough T1D Game2Give?

Our volunteer leads are Dan Connors (Founder, Telltale Games) and Hans ten Cate (Chief Operating Officer, Tilt Five). Dan and Hans were the founding members of Breakthrough T1D Game2Give and both are fathers of children with T1D. Josh Larson (former Chief Business Officer, Kongregate), also a T1D dad, joined the team as a volunteer in early 2020 and was hired as the director of the Breakthrough T1D Game2Give program in October 2020.

In the fall of 2020 we formed the Breakthrough T1D Game2Give Advisory Council, made up of game industry veterans with T1D connections. Members include Jason Brush (Head of Innovation, Wunderman Thompson), Justin Graham (Senior Software Engineer, Unity), Brian Koenig (Principal Product Manager, Tapjoy), Steven Kovensky (Chief Business Officer, Humble Bundle), Jonathan Lai (Investment Partner, Andreessen Horowitz), Lisa Lang (Principal, Lisa Lang Consulting), Jeff Ryan (Chief People Officer, Zynga),  John Salter (Co-Founder, The Raine Group), and Sam Glassenberg (Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Level Ex).

What is Humble Bundle?

Humble Bundle is an online store that sells video games, ebooks, software, and other digital content, with a percentage of all sales going to charity. Since launching in 2010 they have donated more than $152M to charities like Breakthrough T1D. Learn more on their website.

What is Twitch?

Twitch is a live streaming video platform popular among gamers. Millions of people from around the world visit the site every day to watch live streams of video games and engage with the people playing them. (But Twitch isn’t limited to video games—it’s also used for talk shows and podcasts, cooking streams, hobby and craft projects, fitness streams, and more.) The Twitch community raised more than $55M in 2019. Learn more on their website.

What is Breakthrough T1D One World in Roblox?

Launched on November 1, 2020, Breakthrough T1D One World is a virtual world built inside the popular video game Roblox. We created this game to provide a virtual Breakthrough T1D One Walk experience during COVID-19 restrictions and to give the Breakthrough T1D community a family-friendly space to gather, play, learn about T1D, and support a vision of the world we all want: a world without type 1 diabetes. Visit our Breakthrough T1D One World FAQ for more details.

I’m a streamer. How can I get involved with Breakthrough T1D Game2Give?

The first step is to sign up as a Breakthrough T1D livestream fundraiser. This way you’ll get email alerts about our upcoming events.

Next you need to register a campaign on Tiltify, the platform we use to collect donations. You can take part in one of our organized events or do an individual charity stream at any time. (Even if you’re doing an independent stream, we recommend you link your campaign to one of our ongoing events so you can compete on the leaderboards and the money you raise will go toward our latest fundraising goal.)

Connect with us by email or on Twitter or Discord and let us know what you’re planning—we’ll help you spread the word!

Also check out our Streaming Resources page for fundraising tips, assets to help with your charity stream, type 1 diabetes talking points, and more.

Do I need to stream on Twitch, or can I stream on YouTube or Facebook instead?

So far, most Breakthrough T1D Game2Give fundraising has happened on Twitch, but you can absolutely stream on YouTube or Facebook if you prefer! Wherever you stream, make sure to use Tiltify to collect donations so the money you raise is included in our Breakthrough T1D Game2Give totals.

I’m a game developer. How can I get involved with Game2Give?

We’re exploring any and all opportunities right now and would be happy to hear from you. We’d especially love to hear from developers who have a connection to T1D, but all inquiries are welcome! Please email to get in touch.

I’m a parent. How can I make sure livedstreamed content will be safe for my kids to watch?

For the most part, the streamers associated with Breakthrough T1D Game2Give choose which games they play. Some of these have a Mature rating, while others are rated Teen or Everyone. To know if a game is age appropriate for your child, you can check the ESRB rating. The best way to know if a Twitch channel is appropriate is to first watch it yourself to gauge the content.

What is Breakthrough T1D’s mission?

Breakthrough T1D is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D. Our mission is to improve lives today and tomorrow by accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent, and treat T1D and its complications. Learn more here.

How will the money raised by Breakthrough T1D Game2Give be used?

All of the money we raise with Breakthrough T1D Game2Give initiatives will support Breakthrough T1D and vital T1D research. T1D is an autoimmune disease that occurs when a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin, the hormone that controls blood-sugar levels. While insulin keeps people with T1D alive and can help keep blood-glucose levels within recommended range, it is not a cure. Our research is focused on finding a cure. Until we do, the advancements we’re making every day ease the burden of those living with the disease. Learn more here.

Can you give me a heads-up about future Breakthrough T1D Game2Give fundraisers?

Sure! Sign up to receive emails here, and we’ll and we’ll keep you posted about our future Breakthrough T1D Game2Give plans. You can also follow us on Twitter or connect with us on Discord.

Is Breakthrough T1D Game2Give related to Bungie’s Extra Life charity event?

Breakthrough T1D Game2Give is not associated with the Game2Give fundraiser Bungie did in cooperation with Extra Life. We just happen to have similar names.