Whether you’ve been living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) for years or are recently diagnosed, navigating T1D as an adult presents a unique set of challenges.

In this entertaining video series, Breakthrough T1D CEO Aaron Kowalski, Ph.D., Taking Control Of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) Founder Steve Edelman, M.D., and TCOYD Director Jeremy Pettus, M.D., team up to share their personal and professional perspectives as adults living with type 1 diabetes.
From JDRF to Breakthrough T1D: Leaders in Diabetes Care Announce Exciting Collaboration
Exercise with Type 1 Diabetes: Practical Advice from TCOYD and Breakthrough T1D’s CEO Aaron Kowalski
Diabetes Misdiagnosis: Type 1 or Type 2? What Every Adult Should Know!
Type 1 Diabetes: New Horizons in Treatment, Prevention, and Cure

Podcast: A TCOYD Sit Down with Breakthrough T1D CEO Aaron Kowalski, Ph.D.

Hosts Dr. Jeremy Pettus and Dr. Steve Edelman welcome Breakthrough T1D CEO Aaron Kowalski, Ph.D., for a discussion about recent research breakthroughs in type 1 diabetes, focusing on three main areas: improving lives through technology and medications, disease-modifying therapies to address the autoimmune nature of type 1 diabetes, and cell replacement therapies.

The conversation highlights advancements in hybrid closed-loop systems, emerging drugs for better glucose control, screening for early detection, and promising stem cell research that could lead to a cure. Dr. Kowalski expresses optimism about the future, suggesting that cell therapy products could be available within this decade, potentially allowing some people with T1D to stop using insulin pumps.

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