Breakthrough T1D Ride isn’t just a Bike Ride

44 Northeast Wisconsin bicycle riders are gearing up for there upcoming Breakthrough T1D Ride to Cure Diabetes in Lacrosse, WI , Loveland, CO, and Saratoga, NY. The team of 44 consists of 7 T1D Riders and 8 first time riders. This group has been training and fundraising for months leading up to the Ride. The collective fundraising goal for the group is to raise $165,000!

This group has been fundraising at EAA, having 50/50 raffles, and asking family and friends for donations. They have also been training weekly and have participated in great rides around NEWI such as the Gourmet Bike Tour and Paperfest. Check out the fun pictures below and think about joining them in 2018!


Testimonial from last year’s rider:

After finally getting some time today to reflect on the weekend, I would like to thank everyone for a very special memory. I know everyone has their own reasons for taking part in this event, but as someone who benefits directly from your efforts, I cannot thank you enough for what you accomplished. Over the years I have been able to be part of charity events from the giving side, but this year was my first experience going to the Breakthrough T1D walk in Neenah and now the Breakthrough T1D ride in Lacrosse where I was the person benefiting from the generosity of others. It is a remarkable feeling to see people go through such effort in order to help me and so many others that they don’t know. Whether it be fundraising, 100 mile bike ride, time off from work, donating time or money, leadership, making signs or general support; all efforts deserve a special thank you. It is cliché to say that words can’t describe how thankful I am, but that is truly how I feel.

I would also like to thank everyone for being such a great group. I really like the way you ride as a team and the support and camaraderie that it achieves. I felt comfortable getting to know you, and everyone helped me with whatever they could. Before deciding to do this ride I didn’t know many others that were diabetic, and rarely felt comfortable enough to ask them questions. I have now been able to talk to others about diabetes and how they handle it, and also be able to ask about questions I had on pumps and CGM’s. Seeing so many others this weekend with pumps/CGM’s made me feel less alone in my fight with this terrible disease, and especially after seeing how many people are fighting for a cure. I hope to see you all again soon and I appreciate all of your efforts in making type one type none.

Curing diabetes one pedal at a time. Click here for more information on the ride.

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