35 Faces of the Breakthrough T1D One Walk: Meet Carson


35 Faces, 35 years of Walking, 35 Reasons to Give

Hi, my name is Carson. I was diagnosed with T1D in December 2014 when I was 9 years old. When I grow up, I want to be a Paleontologist and study dinosaurs! Ever since I found out that I have T1D, I have made it my goal to “make diabetes extinct!” Last year was my first year walking with Breakthrough T1D, and my team t-shirt had a dinosaur on it. Our team name is Carson’s Crusaders, and we raised over $13,000! The best part about the Breakthrough T1D One Walk is having my friends and family there to support me and my parents. If we made diabetes extinct, I would have freedom! It is not fun having T1D. The best way people can help Breakthrough T1D find a cure is by donating money and raising awareness in their community!

Please consider supporting Carson’s efforts to help make diabetes extinct
by donating to his Breakthrough T1D One Walk team here.