Hourglass Cycles Winning Design!


We are excited to announce the winning designer of the customized Triumph Motorcycle provided by Hourglass Cycles and customized by Jesse Spade Designs being auctioned off at the Hope Gala this Saturday is…
Jackson Sullenberger!

Read more about Jackson and his design below.

THANK YOU to Hourglass Cycles and Jesse Spade Designs for creating a custom motorcycle for Breakthrough T1D and raising awareness for T1D research!

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Dylan (left), Jackson (right)

My name is Jackson and my big brother, Dylan was diagnosed with T1D on January 27, 2016 when he was 14.  He is 4 years older than me and I look up to him so much.  We are very close brothers!  I was very scared and upset when I got out of school that day and was told that Dylan was hospitalized and diagnosed with diabetes.  I didn’t know what that meant at the time, but have learned so much about T1D and am so thankful and happy for how well my big brother, Dylan manages his diabetes.  I have loved to create artistic pieces using all the colors of the rainbow since I was in preschool.  To me, the colors of the rainbow represent joy and happiness and when you see the rainbow, you know the storm has passed and you will find peace, happiness and inspiration.  The rainbow I colored on the motorcycle at the Breakthrough T1D One Walk, represents the hope and inspiration I felt by the Breakthrough T1D community to make Type One Type None!  Thank you for choosing my design and thank you for everything you are doing to help my big brother!

Come see Jackson’s design come to life at the Hope Gala on May 6th!
