Behind the Scenes: Breakthrough T1D Gala

The fight to find a cure continues, and so does its need for funds. For many years now, Breakthrough T1D Galas around the country have been an important tool in generating those funds, often ranking in the top fund raising events for chapters. It may be one evening of partying and fun, but the planning and preparation that goes into pulling off a successful event takes months. Breakthrough T1D staff and Gala committee volunteers have been working at it for some time now, but the few months before the event is when it all comes together in an ever-escalating buzz of activity. Much of that work is virtual now – meeting with potential sponsors, donors, and key volunteers; lining up speakers and presenters, and producing presentations – but make no mistake, it is definitely going on, pandemic or not. We are the “Never Stopping Type,” remember?

A key element of that preparation is the role of the Event Chairs who head up the volunteer side of the Gala, working alongside your local chapter staff to organize the events. In this episode of “Behind the Scenes” we speak to Steve and Julie Economos, Co-chairs of the Georgia Hope Gala, and Matt Vaughn, SC Board President. See below:

For more information about this year’s Gala events, please visit and