Youth Ambassadors share funny T1D stories
Welcome to our October Youth Ambassador blog post! In lieu of a Youth Ambassador Spotlight feature, we thought we would share a few funny diabetes stories.
One day, my family and I went on an outing and after walking the whole day, we got back in the car and my 3 and a half-year-old sister said, “Ah, I’m tired, I’m low, I need my pump!” My family and I almost died of laughter! Recently she saw a commercial on Type 2 Diabetes and yelled, “Mami, blood glucose, DIABETES!” I was away at Clara Barton Camp for diabetes Education, but my mom was laughing so hard!
Sofia H
One of the first times I wore my Omnipod on my arm, a girl in my CCD class stood up in middle of the lesson and put her hand on my pump. I jumped back and asked her what she was doing. The girl said, “I was trying to help you out as somehow you got a butter pack stuck to your arm”. Needless to say, I explained to the class that it was my insulin pump.
Katie C
When I was 6 years old, my mother was changing my pump site and reservoir. She left the old reservoir on the table and I began chewing on it. I quickly realized that the insulin tasted awful and spit it out. For the next 8 hours, I ate over 80 uncovered carbohydrates and my blood sugar would not go above 70! We called the doctor and she said insulin must have gotten under my tongue and absorbed very quickly. Needles to day, I never did that again, however, it sure was fun indulging in all those sweets and not going high.
Will B
When I was in 6th grade, my blood sugar went low in the middle of social studies class. Because of that, my dad called to make sure I took a juice. But what I didn’t know was that my ringer was set to the duck quacking alert and out of nowhere it sounded like I brought a duck to school.
Sophia S
To learn more about our Youth Ambassador Program and how you or your child can get involved, click here! Or contact Joan Benz at 203-854-0658 or