Fashionistas for a Cure

Jennifer, on left, with Co-Chair Anastasia Brien

Meet Jennifer Fitzpatrick, Catwalk Co-Chair
“A world without T1D would mean freedom for all of those affected. I imagine leaving the house without a tester, insulin, snacks, juice and all the other necessary supplies. Also sleeping through the night and not worrying about going low while you sleep. Eating whenever you want, and not having to do math and science to figure out how much insulin you need. To be unencumbered with all of the responsibility would be amazing! I created Catwalk to create awareness of what T1D is, and to help raise the funds needed for research. Every year we review the advances made since the last Catwalk and it fuels hope that one day there will be a cure!” – Jennifer

Karen, seated far right, is joined by family and friends at Catwalk 7

Meet Karen Hauben, Catwalk Committee member
“A world without T1D means knowing that this disease cannot hurt the children of those I love, or even my own. I got involved with Breakthrough T1D upon discovering that our dear friends Peter and Jennifer’s son Sean was afflicted with type 1. We wanted to do anything we could to alleviate the burden of that disease from his life and others like him. Years later, discovering that my own grandmother has type 1 brought this home even more so. Catwalk is a wonderful way to raise money and awareness in a fun way. The event has so much heart and I am grateful to be able to be a part of it.” – Karen

Karen with her son, Jerret

Meet Karen Schunk, 2018 Catwalk Committee member
“A world without T1D means my son, Jerret, can live a normal life without the worry of being able to afford insulin and medical supplies (now that he is in his 20s and living on his own). Most of all, to live his life as a normal young man without the worry of high and low blood sugars and long-term effects. I attend Catwalk to keep raising money to find a cure. This isn’t just so my son can live without the constant pricking fingers, calculating carbs and sugars, and buying medical supplies, but so all people with T1D can live a normal life.” – Karen

Jane, on left, with fellow attendee at Catwalk 7

Meet Jane Male, Catwalk Attendee
“As someone with 2 autoimmune diseases, I empathize with how debilitating such an illness can be. It is hard to comprehend how life threatening T1D is, and how exhausting and critical the constant measure and management must be. The annual Breakthrough T1D Catwalk Fashion Show is such a positive and fun event…a fabulous coming together of people who really care. It is a platform to educate and celebrate the amazing advances in T1D research. I look forward to the event, the fashion show and of course those handbags!” – Jane

To learn more about this amazing event and to purchase tickets, click here.