Valentine’s Day Card Design Competition


Unleash your creativity and help design the Valentine’s Day postcard for the Kansas & Missouri Chapter! The winning design will be sent to families across our chapter to wish them a Happy Valentine’s Day.


To enter the design competition:

  1. Print out this template and create your design. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
  2. Fill out the additional information including the artist’s name, age, diagnosis age (if applicable), and the artist’s mailing address
  3. Mail your original design to the Breakthrough T1D Kansas & Missouri office AND scan or photograph your design and e-mail it to by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, January 20.

Breakthrough T1D Kansas & Missouri
215 W. Pershing Rd., Ste 300
Kansas City, MO 64108


We will share all submissions on Facebook on Monday, January 25