Sign Up to Remote Bid on One Dream Gala Auction Items


Dilemma: you’ve heard about all of the amazing auction items up for bidding at our One Dream Gala but you aren’t going to be in the ballroom. Maybe it’s because of a family function or prior commitment, or maybe you just don’t want to leave the couch after a long week at work. We get it!

Now we have a solution. Sign up to be a Remote Bidder and, starting May 10, you’ll have the opportunity to bid on all of our silent and super silent auction items. We have Yankees, Mets, Giants, and Knicks tickets; Broadway and concert tickets; rare California wines; golf foursomes to courses all over New Jersey; designer handbags, sportwear, restaurant gift cards…and of course, the most popular auction items of all: Youth Ambassador Dream Baskets, filled with specialty items hand-selected by our Youth Ambassadors to represent their own unique personalities, talents, and hobbies.

To sign up for remote bidding, simply click HERE and set the quantity to “1” for remote bidding. Check the green box, enter your credit card and personal information, and you’re good to go. You will receive a confirmation email and when remote bidding opens on May 10, you will receive text alerts about items you’re interested in. You’ll receive notifications if you’ve been outbid and you can even set a maximum bid.

If you’re still not sure about joining in, take a look at a selection of our amazing auction items here. Remote bidding is for everyone, so pass this on to all of your friends near and far. Happy bidding!