Back to School with T1D
Whether your child is starting a new school year or returning to school after a new diagnosis, managing type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the classroom can be a little intimidating.
School preparedness requires paperwork, special planning, and many conversations with teachers, school nurses, and other students.
Breakthrough T1D is here with support and resources to help you and your child succeed, from preschool through college!
Share our T1D School Nurse Training on October 9 with your child’s school care team. This training is virtual and open to school nurses, coaches, teachers and other staff caring for your child with T1D.
Check out these other resources to help you and your child navigate back to school and all year-round with confidence:
Resources For Parents and Caregivers
504 Plans and Your Child’s Rights at School
Virtual “Off to College” Series: Presented by The Diabetes Link
Caregiver Rights During Emergency Situations (for college students over 18)