2019 Breakthrough T1D One Walk, Kansas City Ambassador Application

Are you interested in being a Breakthrough T1D One Walk and Ride Ambassador? We would love for you to apply! In order to be considered for this honor, we ask that you meet the following guidelines:

  • Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
  • Over the age of 5
  • Comfortable with public speaking (radio, television, and live audience)
  • Has a positive attitude about life with T1D and managing it
  • Able to attend various Breakthrough T1D Walk events
  • Will commit to leading a One Walk V1P team (raising over $1,000)

Applications are due by Wednesday, April 17 at 5:00pm. No late applications will be accepted. You can download the application form below. If you have questions or need additional information, please reach out to Julie Schlueter at jschlueter@BreakthroughT1D.org or 816.410.3537.

2019 Breakthrough T1D One Walk, Kansas City Ambassador Application